Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

Min bilder
Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


Video focus

Well, videos are fun... During my gap year, the whole Youtube craze happened; weird to think that it hardly existed only a year ago, at least not for most of us.

I want to experiment a little with that, I have a few videos that might be fun to watch, so let's see what can happen with that in the future. Meanwhile, I'm going to put up just as a test, a vide o I recorded in Kyrghyzstan more than six months ago, as my school buddies from high school was gathering for a reunion. At the time, the thought of putting it on Youtube or something similar never occured to me!

I'm putting it on Google video instead of Youtube; I have some hope that it will be more integrated with blogger that way. Ok, here's the chance to see the mohawk in action! :-)

Oh yes, now that I have a self-produced video up there, I have deleted the Nintendo post that I had here earlier. It wasn't that funny anyway...and it possibly might have offended some.