Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

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Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


Too many TV's?

I just read on Dagens Nyheter, (DN article), that in the US, there are now for the first time more television sets than people (including infants and such).

I was going to say something really scathing until I realize that I own three of the damn things myself. Shutting up now...


Anonymous Anonym said...

Man kan ju bara titta på en TV i taget, men finns det en i varje rum är det förstås risk för att man tittar på TV samtidigt som man gör allt annat t. ex. pratar med varandra. Här i Sverige har de flesta kanaler samma typ av program samtidigt, det kanske är för att begränsa TV- tittandet!?:)

25 september, 2006 21:54  

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