Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

Min bilder
Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


Spending my time in Osh, Sep 15-20

I’ve had a much more positive feeling in Osh than I expected. There isn’t much sights to see here (we took them all in during that one day), and the guidebooks recommend you to leave for the mountains after a day or two. But it is a nice town to actually live in for a while – maybe it is because I actually came down from the mountains? :-) I rented an apartment with Andrew and Eider for a few days, and now when they have left, I decided to stay on for a little bit longer.

I have tons of things to do on the computer (catch up on mail, write blog entries, clean up 5000+ photos from the Habitat build and the trek, etc.) and the slow pace of Osh gives me a good opportunity to do just that.

Osh is in the southern, more Muslim parts of the country, and that is easy to tell. Well, not the Muslim part per se, but people are definitely different here. Where Bishkek was dominated by the colonial, Russian influences, and Karakol and Barskoon was distinctly Kyrgyz, there is a completely other vibe to Osh.

This part of Kyrghyzstan consists of the fringes of a gigantic fertile valley called Fergana, for thousands of years the dominant area of central Asia. The main part of the valley belongs to Uzbekistan, so most people call the culture here Uzbek – me, I would call it "Fergana" maybe.

The result of which anyway is that people seem warmer and more open to strangers than up north. People look slightly darker-skinned to me, and there clothes are wonderful!

Combine that with some amazing light in the morning and afternoon, and you have a photographer’s paradise. I haven’t taken much advantage of that yet, but there is always tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonym said...

Det var jättekul att läsa om husbygget.Vi förstår att det var jobbigt. Jag ser fram emot att få se och höra om de fina kläderna i Osh.Var rädd om dig.
Kram från mamma och pappa

17 september, 2006 19:12  
Blogger Peter Hjalmarsson said...

Husbygget var betydligt mindre jobbigt än det var roligt. Det var verkligen skönt att få jobba med kroppen ett tag. Och på min ära om jag inte tror att jag byggde lite muskler också!

18 september, 2006 09:27  

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