Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

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Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


Trekking to Osh, through Talas and beautiful Lake Tary Chelek, Sep 3

Tomorrow (Monday) morning I'll be off on my next main leg on my Kyrghyzstan journey: a trip to Osh. We are a group of seven people (of which I have met three briefly, nice german/austrians) who will travel together. With guide, porters and a cook, I guss that makes about 15 people in total!

We will start by going in a car to Talas in the northwst corner of K-stan. Supposedly a boring mining town, but we will do not much more than set up for the trek.

Then we trek to Tary Chelek, supposedly the most beautiful lake in K-stan, and on the way we will cross several 3500+ meter mountain passes, follow some beautiful rivers, see a handful of lovely mountain lakes, and stay with nomads in a couple of those jai-aloos (pastures) that I've grown to love so much. 8 nights in tents though, so I hope that there won't be too many ice cold nights like on the last trek. Hope that there will be one though, so I get some use from my newly bought fleece hat!

And on the 13th I'll be back in civilization (and Internet!) again, in Osh to be precise. Osh is the biggest city in southern K-stan; the most muslim part of the country, and as such supposed to be quite different compared to the northern parts where I've been so far. Exciting - I plan to be there for about a week before heading back to Bishkek and my flight to Istanbul on the 22nd.

In the meantime, greetings to everyone!


Blogger Josefine said...

Nice to hear from you again Peter, I'm so curious so I can't stay away from your blog. I have to check it every day for updates :)

This new layout is very nice! It looks professional.

Miss you here in rainy Sweden but I'm glad that you enjoy your trip and hope you will get satisfied in the end. Hugs Josefine

05 september, 2006 13:45  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Peter,

I love the new format--looks great! I'm so glad you've had a good time with your trekking. Love the new photos as well. Hope things work out with Asia Mountain back in Bishkek!! :) Miss you much. J

11 september, 2006 15:34  
Blogger Josefine said...

Jag är en hemlig beundrarinna.. :)
nej jag bara skoja.. en vän till Peter från Stockholm bara.


12 september, 2006 09:06  
Blogger Peter Hjalmarsson said...

Josie: Nice to see that you are looking for updates every day. You can however use RSS to get messages whenever there's been an update. But on the other hand, you can just re-read some of the old stuff when there's nothing new. It's that good! :-)

14 september, 2006 09:27  

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