Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

Min bilder
Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


The proudest moment of the Mohawk - and the Smiles

Yes, I know that all my readers are dying to know. My inbox is completely overflowing with requests, I need a secretary just to keep track of all the requests. No, not really, no. As a matter of fact, there has not been a single request for two months, so it's probably time to get it off?

I know I have said that before, but it is really getting unruly now, so something needs to be done anyway! But before that, let's celebrate the mohawk's proudest moment, and let me tell you a little about all the Smiles the 'hawk gives me.

The proudest moment

In July, the situation was similarly hopeless as now. The 'hawk was growing all over the place, more or less threatening to take over most of my body, rather like a 50's horror movie. But to the rescue came Scott and Monica. I asked them to just trim the sides a little, but it must have been a really boring night, because they asked if they could do more. And since I am such a trusting person I gave The Siblings full reign with the machine. Well, there might have been some alcohol involved too I guess, but I don't really remember. Which in itself is a sign of course!
After a long brainstorming session, they decided to do a lightning pattern on my right side. Ok, I'm not showing you that, out of respect for thir artistic integrity of course. I don't remember which one of them it was that decided that after that disastrous apprenticeship, they were ready for bigger things, but whoever it was must have a serious case of hubris. Who wants to bet on the software saleswoman and who wants to bet on the management consultant? Hmm, looks like dead race to me...

So after an even longer brainstorming session, probably involving some vodka, the idea came up to do something to honour our revered hosts, and what could be better than the pattern from the Kyrgyz flag? Well, "anything" we thought to be honest, because not one of us actaully believed it would be any good! But thanks to the beers, I let them get it on anyway. I mean it wouldn't take more than a week for the hair to grow out, right? An probably not more than six months for the cuts and scars to heal - that would heal me in time for work at IBM anyway...

But The Siblings did an awesome co-operative job. I don't remember who did what any longer, but one of them did the broad strokes while the other did the detail work, and they did great! The divine miss M is about to quit her job anyway, and if BCG ever decides to fire Scott (surely only a matter of time!), they could definitely open up The Siblings Hairsaloon (I'm registering that web address right now guys, but you can buy it from me really cheap!).

Thanks though - I know it might be hard to believe for mom and dad when looking at the picture, but that is actually the happiest I've ever been with a hair cut!

The Mohawk in it's proudest configuration yet.

The Smiles

I'm not completely sure why it is, but I get so many more looks from people on this trip than ever before. I want to believe that it is my winning smile and charming eyes, and maybe it would be if they matched my crap posture and gut belly better. No, I think I need to admit to myself that it's all about the 'hawk...

Unfortunately, it is not only admiring looks from hot women of all ages, no there's so many different kind of looks that I get...

The "Wow, I want one of those!" smile
A gaping mouth, with the chin almost touching their chests.

This is common from boys at around eight or nine years old, and probably makes their mothers curse the crazy swede walking the streets of Bishkek. I want to come back in two months and see how many of the kids has managed to convince their mothers to let them have one. But since Kyrghyzstan is a country where they still beat their kids regularly, no that is probably not going to happen... :-(

The "Are you crazy?" smile
Heads tiliting backwards in disbelief, and a laughter that they never quite dare to come out.

Except for the kid's mothers, I seem to get this one from guys my own age. They are probably silently thanking themselves that they aren't so pathetic as to try to make themselves look younger with a hair-do. And then they run home and take some Viagra; except that in this country Viagra is a vodka brand! (Which I find awesomely cool btw!)

The Russian Viagra - better than the American?

The "please don't kick my ass" smile
A nervous smile from people looking down and trying to make themselves as small as possible.
I must be uglier than I thought, because at night some people actually seem to be afraid of me! I guess I understand now why punkers like their mohawks. It is a strangely satifying feeling though, even though I am sire it will get me beaten up some day by someone who actually has some muscles to back their hairdo up...

The "wow he's hot" smile
As we pass in the street, they tilt the head slightly downwards, and looking up towards me with a shy smile twitching around the mouth.
I remember getting this once. Fram an 80-year old grandmother to this girl I was trying to pick up.

No, seriously for a while: I do get this disturbingly often, and from girls who are half my age, and look awesomely hot. Oh, to be 20 again. Or even 35... :-) No, but it is nice to get that confirmation again, even though I am now old enough not to know what to do with it.

The "he looks effing stupid" smile

Turns out to probably be the most common one, the same smile you give the harmless village idiot back home...except it borders on a laughter. Often combined with the "please don't kick my ass" smile, just to be safe.

The nervous smile
Is the one that I give back while I'm trying to figure out what smile I'm getting...


Anonymous Anonym said...

That is one awesome fucking mohawk... me, i'm still doing the serious suit'n'tie coupled w/gordon gekko backslick and a tiny pony tail at the back of the head... "contrast is everything," he told Bloomberg News... ;-) /jl

23 september, 2006 20:28  

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