Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

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Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


The last day in Central America – trying to sum it all up

And today is the last day, not only in Panama City, but also in Central America. I’ve just spent it at the hotel, sleeping for long (I hit the bed at 5 am this morning), doing laundry, repacking (the customs in all the countries between Guate and here REALLY liked to unpack the box with my souvenirs... :-( ), and of course finishing the last blog entries.

So what did I think of Central America then? Well, in one word: excellent!

Everyone you meet is extremely friendly and always do their best to help you out. I don’t recommend coming here without learning some Spanish before though; not only will it be much easier to get around, but you also make friends so much easier. I found it really easy to get to know people in Belize, and I have no reason to believe that it would not be as easy in the other countries as well, as long as you know the language.

The landscape is very beautiful, with everything you could ever want: great beaches, wonderful mountains (with great trekking opportunities), although I definitely recommend to come here between November and April in the dry season. Most days have been cloudy for me, and even though the variation in the weather has been welcome, I have no doubt that the landscape will be even better looking when the weather is better!

I guess that the best recommendation is that I will definitely come back; there’s a few places I want to come back to (like the Cenote dives in Yucatan and the hikes in the Guate mountains), and then there’s all the things I never got around to do, like the diving in Honduras. And I hear SO many good things about Nicaragua that I just have to go there some day!

But now I soon need to get going to the air port – I’m really looking forward to come home to Sweden and meet all my friends, although I will surely miss all the new friends I’ve met on the road. And then there’s Kyrghyzstan – it’s now only three weeks until I board the plane to Bishkek for further transportation to a really small village in the eastern parts of K-stan were I will build houses with Habitat for Humanity - I can hardly wait.

But first: Sweden – here I come!

P.S. There's been 15 (fifteen!) new posts the last two days, and this time, on popular request, I've added lots more pictures than I've done before - I hope you like them?

So go down to the "Lanquin, June 7-11" post and start reading already! And don't forget to give me comments!!


Blogger Josefine said...

Hej Peter, mycket spännande att läsa din blogg, jag följer den med spänning för att se vad du tar dig för. Det låter verkligen som du njuter av resan och tar för dig av vad den har att erbjuda dig. Härligt härligt, jag är väldigt avundsjuk ska du veta.

Men idag ville jag mest titta in och säga grattis på namnsdagen!!!!

ha det fortsatt bra, kramar

29 juni, 2006 20:57  

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