Peters resa

Hmm. it seems that my journey has more or less reached it's end, in more ways than one... I guess I will still need to sum up what came out of it, but that will have to waut for another time. Meanwhile, some hints can be found at

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Plats: Stockholm, Sweden


News - more entries, new style, and still in english!

Yes, it is update time again! Today I have added three more entries apart from this, about Stockholm, Istanbul and Bishkek - am I global or what! :-) Watch for updates regarding the slightly more mundane but nonetheless lovely Hälsingland and Åmål the next few days.

And I AM continuing in English. I have gathered quite a few English-speaking readers over the last two months, and since Helena is the only one that objects to English, that’s the way it will be. Especially since Helena says that she won’t read it (that’s a whole other story...) anyway!

Yes, I have changed the style - there's nothing wrong with your eyes. I needed to do a style update to get a counter for the site anyway, so I thought that I would try something new. Let me know what you think (it’s reasonably easy to change back), and meanwhile look at the counter at the bottom of the page. It counts the number of visitors since the 19th or something like that, and as I write this I haven’t had the guts to check it myself yet. What if it’s only mom that’s reading it!? :-(

So now scroll down to the entry "Stockholm" and start to read!


Anonymous Anonym said...

Cool to see you're still blogging. Admirable to see at least some people go through with their plans, even if it is visiting the least(?) inviting of the 'stans... me, my new employer is flying me over to London (again... ) for the summer party on Aug. 5. Checked with hot black chick Aisha Phoenix (she of the cool James Bond villain-ish name :-) in London and she's coming too... fingers crossed, people, fingers crossed...

later, dude


23 juli, 2006 18:29  
Blogger Peter Hjalmarsson said...

Well, if I could change my plans retrospectively, right now I guess I would. Come back Istanbul - all is forgotten!

23 juli, 2006 18:43  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Ooops! There's another batch in my inbox (yes, I'm still subscribing). Mr Hjalmarsson on his way again. Hope you find what you're looking for in Kyrghyzstan. /Peter

23 juli, 2006 20:57  
Blogger Peter Hjalmarsson said...

Well, mr Fristedt, you know as well as I do that what I am looking for is waiting for me in Stockholm! Take care of Helena for me...

27 juli, 2006 13:18  
Anonymous Anonym said...

And Helena IS reading the blog. And I don't mind it being in English, as long as you don't use a complicated and indistinct vocabulary (or "hard words" as we say in plain language).


P.S. Of course it also has to be the RIGHT words :-)

27 juli, 2006 16:17  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Det är INTE bara Helena som ogillar att du skriver på engelska! Nu har jag - efter tre veckors "semestervila" och hjärngympa med återläsning av Pride & prejudice en omgång (plus väl valda goda delar några extra gånger) - ägnat en stund åt bloggen. Vi får se hur det går när jag kommer in i jobbstressen igen. Då ligger engelska texter som är elektroniska, icke-jobbrelaterade och författade av någon annan än Jane Austen pyrt till. Hoppas erfarenheterna i Kirgizistan blir trevligare! (M & S hälsar)

31 juli, 2006 20:26  
Blogger Josefine said...

Hej där vännen!
Nu var det en stund sedan du bloggade.. vill ju veta vad som händer *otålig och nyfiken*

Hoppas du inte råkar ut för fler tråkigheter.

Kram på dig

07 augusti, 2006 16:00  
Blogger Peter Hjalmarsson said...

Is "thekax" Karin Guldbrand? Hmmm, I didn't know that. Everyone, usin your own name can be a good idea...

Anyway, I just want to let you know that Jane Austen is NOTHING compared to me!

16 augusti, 2006 07:49  

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